内容 Newtonライト『13歳からの量子論のきほん』 (ニュートンムック)
復習 Newtonライト『13歳からの量子論のきほん』 (ニュートンムック)
ファイルのタイトル | Newtonライト『13歳からの量子論のきほん』 (ニュートンムック) |
翻訳者 | Maniwa Kaiya |
ページ数 | 163 P |
ファイルサイズ | 58.31 MB |
ランゲッジ | 日本語と英語 |
編集者 | Miyashita Enri |
ISBN-10 | 3337193716-IJH |
電子書籍フォーマット | EPub PDF AMZ iBook PDB |
(作者) | |
ISBNコード | 207-2498588604-LDZ |
ファイル名 | Newtonライト『13歳からの量子論のきほん』 (ニュートンムック).pdf |
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読み切りやすいページ数で,文字数も少なく,価格もお手頃。 Newtonの人気特集をやさしく再編集した「Newtonライト」シリーズは,気になっていたテーマが気軽に読めて,すぐわかる一冊です。
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When Isaac Newton died in 1727 without a will, he left behind a wealth of papers that, when examined, gave his followers and his family a deep sense of unease. Some of what they contained was wildly heretical and alchemically obsessed, hinting at a Newton altogether stranger and less palatable than the one enshrined in Westminster Abbey as the paragon of English rationality.
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: The Caretakers of the Cosmos: Living Responsibly in an Unfinished World (Audible Audio Edition): Gary Lachman, Russell Newton, Thirteen Ventures Ltd.
The papers of Thomas Jefferson Julian P. Boyd, editor ; Lyman H. Butterfield and Mina R. Bryan, associate editors Princeton University Press, 1950- v. 1 v. 2 v. 3 v ...
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Both games were very close on Sunday with Devonport claiming a 5 point win over the Somerset Heat and Burnie proving too strong for the Smithton Saints with a 9 point win at home. Somerset Heat 61 lost to Devonport Warriors 66 Warriors Scorers: Zoe Crawford 30, Taya Webb 26, Chelsea Healey 8. Heat Scorers: Hope Brooks 20, Olivia Harman 12, Zayna Jackson 10. Smithton Saints 58 lost to Burnie ...
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Doc Newton was a left-handed hurler with a reputation as a fast worker who kept “the ball going over the plate at a livelier clip than any other pitcher in the business.”1 He used a crossfire delivery and featured “good curves and wonderful speed” when at his peak.2 Plagued with control problems and an inability to adequately field his position, the powerfully built hurler could not ...
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